Teamster Election Coming Up!

The election for IBT General President and General Executive Board starts this year.

A federal Election Supervisor has been named. Election rules will be final by May 1, 2010.

Election Timeline

Click here to read the IBT Election Timeline

The Election Supervisor has been named for the 2011 election for International Union officers. And proposed Election Rules, which will go into effect on May 1, are now available for comment before they are finalized.

Richard Mark will be the Election Supervisor for the 2011 IBT officer and convention delegate elections. Mark served as the Election Supervisor for the 2005-2006 delegate and IBT officer elections.

You can see the Proposed Election Rules at

TDU is preparing to submit proposed improvements to the Rules; proposed changes are due by April 8. The final Election Rules will be submitted to federal judge Loretta Preska for approval; they are expected to be in effect on May 1, 2010.

The Election Supervisor and his national and regional staff will oversee the entire election process for the election of convention delegates and the election of the Teamster General President, General Secretary Treasurer, International Vice Presidents and Trustees. The Supervisor will decide all election protests.

The IBT Convention is slated for the week of June 27, 2011 in Las Vegas; International officer candidates will be nominated there.

All delegates to the convention will be elected by all local unions. No local union officers will automatically become delegates. Most locals will hold those delegate elections in early 2011. A few locals will hold them in the fall of 2010 (only locals with local union officer elections this fall may consider this option).

The Election Rules contain a calendar for all significant dates in the election cycle—including an accreditation petition process that begins later this year.

In 2006 the Hoffa slate was elected over a slate led by Tom Leedham and Sandy Pope.

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