UPDATED June 4, 2013: We now have most Supplement and Rider Tentative Agreements posted for membership review and comparison. We will post more as we obtain them from the International union.
Available for download here are –
National Master tentative agreement
National Master tentative agreement (Spanish/Español)
Louisville 89 Air Rider Rejected Company Offer
Local 89 rejected this offer, but the company got the International to mail it out to the members for a vote. The International rushed it out, screwed up the mailing, and has sent a second ballot to all affected Louisville Teamsters.
- Western Region Supplement tentative agreement
New Jersey Local 177 Drivers Supplement tentative agreement
New Jersey Local 177 Maintenance and Mechanics Supplement tentative agreement
Atlantic Area Supplement tentative agreement
Northern California Supplement tentative agreement
TCI Supplement tentative agreement
Metro Philadelphia Supplement tentative agreement
UPS Cartage Services, Inc. tentative agreement
Central Region Supplement tentative agreement
Southern Region Supplement tentative agreement
New England Supplement tentative agreement
Philadelphia Local 623 Supplement tentative agreement
Central Pennsylvania Supplement tentative agreement
Western Pennsylvania Supplement tentative agreement
Local 135 Rider tentative agreement
Metro Detroit Local 243 Rider tentative agreement
Michigan Rider tentative agreement
Ohio Rider tentative agreement
- Hawaii Rider tentative agreement
Supplement Union de Tronquistas de Puerto Rico Local 901 tentative agreement
- Southwest Package and Sort Rider tentative agreements
Southwest Automotive Rider tentative agreement
Wisconsin Local 344 Rider tentative agreement
Missouri Local 688 Rider tentative agreement
Joint Council 3 Rider tentative agreement
Oregon Joint Council 37 Package Rider tentative agreement
Oregon Joint Council 37 Sort Rider tentative agreement
- Local 769 Miami Air Cargo Rider tentative agreement
We will make more supplements available for members to review, compare and discuss, as soon as possible. We believe an informed membership is the basis for a strong Teamsters Union.