September 28, 2012: The IBT has put initial demands on the table for the UPS Freight Contract. TDU is making the union proposals available here for members to review and discuss. This is your contract.
An IBT press release stated that Parcel Division Director Ken Hall would make ending subcontracting of Teamster work a priority.
The initial proposal from the union has a number of positive proposals, but leaves out some important issues. They will need to be addressed in later additions to the union demands.
For example, Article 41 (existing work practices) is not mentioned. No substantial changes to the grievance procedure are proposed: no penalty pay, no proposals to speed up the procedure, etc.
On subcontracting, the proposal is to delete the second paragraph of Article 44; that paragraph undermines the protection against subcontracting.
On Casuals, there is language that if 30 8-hour shifts (or back-to-back 4 hour shifts) are worked in 60 days, the company must hire a full timer. That's a good start, but more is needed.
Proposals on Article 25, which covers our benefits and economics, will come later.
The UPS Freight contract doesn't expire until August 1, 2013. Management wants an early deal to remove any threat of a work stoppage or last-minute contract rejection. In return, our union and members have every right to demand a strong contract.
We only get the chance to bargain a contract every five years. We need to make the most of this opportunity to address the many problems we face at UPS Freight.
Members are encouraged to review the packet of proposals submitted so far—and give their feedback. The union has the right to make additions, deletions or modifications to its demands. The time to speak up is now.
Teamsters for a Democratic Union will continue to keep members informed. Click here to sign up for contract updates or to send a message to TDU's UPS Freight Talk network.