UPS Management Campaigns for Hoffa

Major IBT Employers Back Hoffa

October 18, 2006.
Give UPS management credit. When they decided to back Hoffa, they didn’t go halfway.

Not only did UPS management give Hoffa unlimited access to campaign inside their largest facility, the UPS Worldport hub in Louisville: UPS management literally chauffeured Hoffa around the grounds.

Management drove Hoffa and his entourage from building to building in a company van so he could campaign throughout the facility on Oct. 13, just as ballots were arriving in Louisville.

Are these the actions of a company that is worried about having to face Hoffa across the bargaining table—or a sign that UPS is eager for another ‘Best Contract Ever?’

UPS management’s warmth toward Hoffa has a long history. When Hoffa first ran for office, a UPS lobbyist was caught donating cash to his campaign. After he took office, industry analysts declared that UPS was “in love with Hoffa” (Source: Traffic World).

Before the 2002 contract talks, UPS spokesperson Norman Black told the media that, “We are certainly not dreading or fearing negotiations or anything like that. The Teamsters under its current leadership has shown a willingness to work with us…We’re very confident.”

UPS Teamsters found out why after Hoffa gave management a six-year deal that delivered pension cuts and toothless protection from excessive overtime and supervisors working. They’ve built up nonunion subsidiaries under Hoffa’s nose.

Leedham Campaign Strikes Back
After Hoffa got the Louisville tour, the Leedham Campaign immediately filed an election protest over the company’s illegal contribution to the Hoffa Campaign.

As a result, UPS was forced to give Secretary-Treasurer candidate Sandy Pope equal access to the Worldport hub. For breaking the rules, the Hoffa Campaign had to pay for Pope’s airfare to Louisville.

Pope and running mate Mark Huckleberry campaigned at Worldport on Oct. 16. Pope told Convoy, “We had a fantastic response. Teamsters know what it means when management supports Hoffa.”

UPS is far from the only employer that has been campaigning with Hoffa. Safeway, Yellow-Roadway, and Dial Corporation are just some of the other Teamster employers that have been caught supporting Hoffa.
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