YRC Mechanics Settle Contract

May 6, 2013: There will be no strike or lockout by mechanics at YRC who are in the International Association of Machinists (IAM), but some of the mechanics are not jumping for joy.

The contract was voted down in Chicagoland by 69-24, and was voted down nationally as well, but the national vote to strike was not carried by enough of a margin, so the contract was implemented at some 15 terminals.

The mechanics took cuts similar to those in the YRC Teamster contract. Their pension benefits were spared, but they took a 15% pay cut, gave up two weeks of vacation pay, and other concessions.

A steward told us that the Chicago mechanics feel good about the solidarity they received from rank and file Teamsters who pledged to honor picket lines, and said they will be there for the Teamsters in the future.

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