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Retired union workers facing 'unprecedented' pension cuts

Melanie Hicken CNN Money November 19, 2013 View the original piece Hundreds of thousands of reitred union workers are facing pension cuts that could slash their monthly payments in half or even more. The proposed cuts are part of a desperate effort to head off insolvency at multiemployer pension plans, pensions that typically provide benefits for workers at several companies. It's an unconventional move: Pension law has long maintained that cutting the benefits of those...

Union and retiree pressure mounting against multiemployer pension fund reform

Hazel Bradford Pensions and Investments October 29, 2013 View the original piece A package of reform proposals to help the most troubled multiemployer pension funds is running into more opposition from some union and retiree advocates.   At a hearing held Tuesday by the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions to consider possible legislation, members of the Retirement Security Review Commission discussed their reform proposals, which would allow for...

Opposition Grows to Bill to Allow Pension Cuts

UPDATED October 29, 2013: Opposition to the proposal to amend pension law to allow retirees' pensions to be cut is growing and gaining force to slow down this train wreck and allow consideration of other options. As reported in Pension and Investments, the growing opposition was in evidence at a Congressional hearing held on the proposal today. Click here to watch a video of the testimonies. Click here to tell your Senators and Congressional Representatives to...

Defending Union Health Benefits

October 17, 2013: Hoffa and Hall have lied to members about our contracts and healthcare. But in the fight to protect our benefits, we shouldn't turn against union health plans. Given all of Hoffa-Hall's lies about Teamster contracts, it's no wonder that many members don't trust the union to run our health plan. But in the fight to protect our benefits, we shouldn't turn on union health plans. The fact is union health plans work....

Hoffa and Obamacare

October 17, 2013: Hoffa drew headlines when he declared that Obamacare would make union plans "unsustainable." It's another way that bungling by the Hoffa-Hall administration has hurt Teamster healthcare. When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was in Congress, the IBT didn't make sure union plans were fully protected. Healthcare providers and other industries looked after their interests. The IBT and other unions failed to do the same. Now the labor movement is putting pressure on...
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