Save Our Pensions Campaign


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Central States Pension Fund Loses $3 Billion

September 19, 2008: The Central States Pension Fund lost $3.1 billion during the first six months of this year, which is half as much as the $6.1 billion that the fund received in December from UPS as a pay-out to leave the fund. The fund lost $2.1 billion on its investments in the first half of 2008, or eight percent of its assets. At the same time, the fund suffered a $287 million loss of...

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Teamsters Chilly Toward 401(k) Plan

September 12, 2008: The leaders of Teamsters Local 200 said Thursday that they have made no decision yet on whether to take Waste Management Inc.’s “last, best and final offer” to union membership for a vote. Speaking out in detail for the first time since the strike of union trash haulers began Aug. 26, union leaders said they learned only late in the negotiating process of Waste Management’s proposal to drop the Central States Pension...

The Future of Teamster Pensions

September 5, 2008: Teamster pensions are under attack. But members are coming together to protect their retirement. These are tough times for many Teamster pension funds—and the members who rely on them for a secure retirement: Last month, TDU uncovered that the Central States Pension Fund lost over $3 billion in assets in the first six months of 2008. That’s half the payout UPS made to leave the fund last December. Teamster plans are struggling...

Milwaukee Waste Strikers Solid on Picket Line

September 2, 2008: Over 200 Teamster strikers in Milwaukee are solid in their commitment to protect their pensions and standard of living, as Waste Management tries to attack both. Critical strike issues are wages and pensions. The strikers are paid on an incentive plan which leads to very different incomes, and with too much management discretion. Their average wage is far below what Waste Management Teamsters make in nearby Chicago. A prime management demand is...

Who Can Baltimore Teamsters Trust?

August 29, 2008: Last October, Local 355 President Denis Taylor told Baltimore UPSers he was “taking care” of their pension problems. Four months later, Taylor announced he was cutting pension accruals to zero. Here’s what Taylor had to say when he was selling the UPS contract back in October: “Under this agreement, we have gotten the company to make record pension, health and welfare contributions. We are taking care of the problems sooner rather than...
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