Save Our Pensions Campaign


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Hoffa Announces He Will Cut Central States Deal

Hoffa Announces He Will Cut Central States Deal Chief negotiators James Hoffa and Ken Hall issued a statement today announcing they will let UPS break 42,000 Teamsters out of the Central States Pension Fund in an early deal to be inked by October 1. Then the issue will be in the hands of working Teamsters at UPS. This is an issue that will affect every Teamster—not just UPSers. Every Teamster who is concerned about the...

August 07 Pension Update


Letting UPS Withdraw Would Weaken Our Union’s Power

August 23, 2007: The assets of the Central States Pension Fund are on the rise and our union will lose long-term power in dealing with management if we let UPS split from the fund. Those are the findings of pension experts and industry observers according to areport in this month’s Traffic World magazine. That’s exactly why our union should reject UPS’s bid to break up the Central States fund. Instead, we should be negotiating benefit...

Will the Real Teamster Leaders Please Stand Up?

August 23, 2007: “It is the Teamsters’ pension—and particularly the multi-employer plan—that gives the union much of its draw and power, industry observers say.” —Traffic World Magazine, August 17, 2007. Every Teamster officer should know that, and most of them do. So why isn’t there a huge outcry from our union leaders against UPS’s move to split the Central States Pension Plan? Where are the leaders in the Freight Division and our International Vice Presidents?...

Rising Employer Contributions Mean Higher Pension

August 23, 2007: If UPS or ABF or any other corporation says they will do better than a $3,000 pension at 30 years, keep in mind that with the increased funding, that’s not hard to do. The Central States Fund is paying that now—and will be paying a lot more in a few years. A Teamster under the national contracts, or contracts with similar pension contributions, now accrues $132 per month pension for each year...
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UPS Teamsters in Philadelphia have overwhelmingly elected Richard Hooker to lead their 4000-member local union. Hooker is the third African-American to lead a grassroots insurgent campaign and win Teamster office in the last year.

UPSers Elect Vote No Activists to Lead Philadelphia Local 623

Teamsters in Philadelphia Local 623 have overwhelmingly elected Richard Hooker and the #623LivesMatter slate. In a four-way race, Hooker beat the incumbent 547-346. That's a 61% to 39% margin. 

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