Watch the Video! UPS Teamsters: Get Ready for April Kickoff Actions

Check out the recording of our UPS Teamsters United webinar, Get Ready for April Kickoff Actions! Contract negotiations begin on April 17, and our union is kicking them off with rallies, parking lot meetings, and contract actions across the country. More than 1,300 UPS Teamsters joined our call to hear from guest speaker Sean O'Brien and make plans to hold kickoff actions in April. Get involved here.

Our union is kicking off contract negotiations with a show of force.

Sean O'Brien and Fred Zuckerman will be holding a kickoff rally in Boston on Sunday, April 2. 

UPS Teamsters and local unions across the country will be holding rallies, parking lot meetings, and contract actions.

The contract kickoff actions beginning the week of April 10 are a message to management.

When UPS sits down with Sean O’Brien, Fred Zuckerman and our national negotiating committee on April 17, management need to know that UPS Teamsters are united for a contract that will:

  • Deliver higher wages
  • Improve our pensions and protect our healthcare
  • Stop excessive overtime, strengthen 9.5 rights, and end forced 6th & 7th punch
  • End two-tier 22.4 and make all package drivers RPCDs
  • Win much higher part-time starting pay and catch-up raises for current part-timers
  • Make UPS create more full-time 22.3 jobs
  • End subcontracting – from feeder work to PVDs
  • Eliminate driver-facing cameras
  • Stop harassment and unfair discipline
  • Improving the grievance procedure
  • Make MLK Day and Juneteenth paid holidays

Click here to help organize a contract action in April.

TDU is helping build the International Union's contract campaign at UPS. Join TDU today, and get a free hoodie or banner of your choice. Or get what you need from the TDU store.

UPS Teamsters United is a grassroots network of Teamster members backed by TDU, organizing to build the union's contract campaign at UPS. We are independent of the IBT and its affiliates.

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