Save the Date: 2015 TDU Convention

The 2015 Convention opens at 1 pm on Friday, October 23 with educational programs, followed by an evening banquet and program. Saturday and Sunday feature some 15 workshops, as well as: craft meetings, programs on the fight for pensions, the 2016 IBT election, and lots more. The convention ends at 3 p.m. Sunday. It all takes place at the Cleveland Airport Sheraton Hotel. Plan to be there.

Education is Power

“I am coming to my first Convention to learn from other Teamsters how to better use my voice to empower other members in defending our rights.”
Jackie Brattlof, UPS, Local 177, New Jersey

Building the Pension Movement

“Our movement to defend our pensions is blossoming. We’ve had meetings from Nashville to Minneapolis, Akron to St. Louis, and many points in between. The TDU Convention is a great place for pension activists to come together and share our experience and build for the fight moving forward. Make plans to be in Cleveland.”
Al Wilkins, YRC, Local 480 Nashville (retired)

Committed to Winning New Leadership

“I’ve been a Teamster for 40 years and I’m committed to leaving our union in better shape than it is now. I’ll be at the TDU Convention to meet up with other members who want new leadership and who will work to help make it happen.”
Edwin Sanchez, Local 396, Los Angeles
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