Take Action To Save Teamster Pensions

Teamsters are on the verge of a victory that will stop devastating pension cuts as part of the upcoming COVID-19 Relief Bill. Take action now to save the pensions of 2.5 million workers and retirees, including over 400,000 Teamsters.


The U.S. House the House Ways & Means Committee has approved “The Butch Lewis Emergency Pension Plan Relief Act of 2021.”

This is the first step toward winning this protection as part of the COVID-19 Relief Bill. But we’re not there yet.

Anti-worker forces are pushing back hard. Thousands of activists are taking action to make sure the Senate does not exclude pension protection from the COVID-19 Relief Bill before it's voted on in March.

Take Action To Save Teamster Pensions

Seven years ago, TDU launched a movement to save the pensions of Teamsters and other retirees. Now, Teamsters are on the verge of a huge victory. 

The legislation to save our pensions is named after Butch Lewis, a Teamster and TDU leader who died before the movement he helped launch completed its mission. 

The COVID-19 pandemic could cause up to 300 pension plans to go bankrupt, and put 2.5 million workers at risk of losing their retirement, including more than 400,000 Teamsters. (Source: House Education & Labor Committee)

We can’t let that happen. Together, we can make sure the Senate includes pension protection in the COVID-19 Relief Bill.

Take Action To Save Teamster Pensions

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