Join the TDU Builder's Club!

TDU members helped win new leadership in the Teamsters—and we're not done yet! We're launching a campaign to build TDU to meet the challenges ahead.

Join the TDU Builder’s Club today and:

  • Recruit 3 members and get a free TDU t-shirt
  • Recruit 5 members and get a free TDU sweatshirt
  • Recruit 20 members and get a Teamster Melton Leather jacket OR free TDU Convention registration, including hotel

Teamster gear you can get for recruiting TDU members

Sign up here to set your recruitment goals. To claim your prize, email us at [email protected] with the names of members you recruited. Include “Builder’s Club” in the subject line.

Together, we can beat contract givebacks, bring Teamster members together for union education, and win change on the job and in our locals.

Tim Courtney, Teamsters Local 135Building Power in Our Locals

"TDU helped the 135 Members First slate run for office and win. We've got a lot of work to do to win good contracts and rebuild our local union's power. It's going to take an army of active members. That's why I'm a TDU Builder."

Tim Courtney

Local 135, Indianapolis




Corey Levesque, Teamsters Local 251

Mobilizing Members For the UPS Contract Campaign

“A bigger TDU means more boots on the ground for the UPS contract campaign. TDU educates and mobilizes the members and that's what we need to win the contract we deserve. I've set a goal to recruit 10 new TDU members."

Corey Levesque

Local 251, Rhode Island


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Recent News

New NLRB Acting General Counsel Reverses Pro-Union Policies

In a blow to the Teamsters and other unions, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is overturning policies that made it easier for nonunion workers to organize.

Union Busters Push for National Right to Work (for Less) Legislation

Anti-union politicians have introduced national Right to Work legislation in both the House and Senate. If passed, the legislation would hurt Teamsters and all workers.

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