Teamster VPs Call for Halt on UPS Contract Approval

A growing number of International Union Vice Presidents are calling for Hoffa to respect the members vote at UPS, declare that the contract is not ratified and to hold an emergency meeting of the General Executive Board.

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Hoffa Go Back to the Bargaining Table

Seven International Union Vice Presidents have called for a halt on the UPS contract approval and a special meeting of the General Executive Board, including Eastern Region Vice President Sean O’Brien, Southern Region Vice Presidents John Palmer and Kim Schultz, and Central Region Vice Presidents Avral Thompson, Tony Jones, Bob Kopystynsky, and Bill Frisky.

The only IBT Vice Presidents who represent UPSers in their locals who have not called for a majority rule on the contract are Western Region Vice Presidents Ron Herrera, Rick Middleton, and At-Large Vice President Steve Vairma.

Hoffa is required by Article IX, Section 5 of the Constitution to hold a General Executive Board meeting if more than half of the members of the GEB request one.

Members rejected the UPS contract with a 54% No Vote. UPS issued a statement recognizing the vote and expressing their disappointment that the contract had been rejected.

But then Hoffa’s Package Division Director Denis Taylor declared the contract ratified, enraging members and confusing even UPS management.

No national contract has ever been ratified after a majority of members Voted No since the revised two-thirds rule went into effect in 1987.

Making Up the Rules To Get the Results He Wants

On Sunday, Taylor told a conference call of the National Negotiating Committee that Supplements that were rejected by the members were also ratified under his interpretation of the two-thirds rule.

But Taylor is clearly making up the rules as he goes along. 

In June 2013, ten Supplements and Riders were rejected by less than 2/3, and had less than 50% participating in the vote.  Every single one was renegotiated, and re-voted.

The rejected 2013 supplements that did not meet Taylor’s version of the two-thirds rule included the Central Region Supplement, the Western Region Supplement, the Ohio Rider, the Michigan Rider, the Local 177 Package Supplement, the Local 177 Mechanics Supplement, the Local 804 Supplement, the Metro Philadelphia Supplement, the Upstate New York Supplement, and the TCI Supplement.    

Every single one was renegotiated and re-voted.

Now, Taylor claims that respecting the vote of the members violates the Teamster Constitution. He’s either lying, ignorant, or just determined to do the company’s dirty work whatever the cost.

UPS Teamsters demand that the International Union return to the bargaining table and hold a vote on an improved contract offer.

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