Teamsters United built a national campaign network. Now we’re using that network to bring members together to fight for the contracts we deserve.
What started as campaign to elect new IBT officers has become a grassroots movement to rebuild Teamster power.
Teamsters United is bringing members together to win better contracts, root out corruption from our union, and organize for change.
Fighting Contract Givebacks
The national contracts at UPS, UPS Freight, and in the freight industry are up. Members have learned the hard way that we can’t trust Hoffa to fight for us at the bargaining table.
That’s why 70 percent of the members who work under national contracts voted against Hoffa-Hall. We’ve got the numbers to vote down concessionary contracts.
Teamsters United built a national campaign network. Now, we’re using that network to bring members together to fight for the contracts we deserve.
Running for Local Union Office
Ninety percent of local officers supported Hoffa in the election. But the majority of Teamsters in the U.S. voted for Teamsters United.
Many of these same local officers also backed concessionary contracts and pension cuts.
When local officers back the members, we back them. But when local officials are more loyal to Hoffa than their own members, it’s time to vote them out.
If your local union needs change, contact Teamsters United about what it will take to organize a successful slate.
John Coli’s indictment for extortion and taking $100,000 in employer payoffs is a disgrace. But Coli is not the first Hoffa running-mate to be caught for corruption.
Hoffa kept Western Region VP Rome Aloise on his slate despite 122 pages of corruption charges against him, including arranging for illegal gifts from Teamster employer SWS for Hoffa Executive Assistant Willie Smith.
While Hoffa covers up this corruption, Teamsters United condemns it without apology. Members demand a corruption-free union and we’re fighting for it.
By Willie Ford. Ford is a member of Charlotte Local 71, and ran for Vice President at Large on the Teamsters United slate.