How to Defend Yourself if You're Called into the Office
UPS management uses tricks and techniques to intimidate, harass and unfairly discipline members in the office. Activists share their advice on the do’s and don’ts when you’re called into the office.

UPS Teamsters Uniting to Build Member Power
Over the last few years, I have gotten active in TDU and the UPS Teamsters United network. Here’s why.

TDU Members Organize for Change
Corporate power is out of control. Good union jobs are under attack. TDU is a movement of Teamster members working together to do something about it.

Teamsters Strike Back Against the Amazon Threat
Amazon Teamsters wrapped up 2024 with the largest strike at Amazon in U.S. history. The strike drew national attention and strengthened union organizing at Amazon.

Overcoming Divisions in the Workplace
Management loves to play divide and conquer. The more we fight among ourselves, the more the boss can get away with. But the more we’re united, the more we can enforce our contracts or win changes that benefit all of us.

The Amazon Threat to Teamster Jobs
Amazon’s sweatshop business model is unfair to its workers and a threat to all of us. What happens at Amazon will affect Teamster jobs and standards in every industry.

Bringing the Union to the Members
UPS Teamsters are using new strategies to beef up contract enforcement by bringing the union to the members.