Under Pressure, Hoffa Sends Letter to UPS’s CEO

Under pressure from the members, Hoffa has sent a letter to UPS denouncing the 70-hour work week. The International Union and our locals need to follow up with action.


Hoffa’s letter to David Abney, the CEO of UPS, denounces the company for unilaterally implementing a 70-hour work week “without any consultation” with Local Unions.

Hoffa’s letter says “We have instructed local unions to utilize all contractual and legal remedies available to protest the Company’s actions.”

This is quite a U-turn from last Friday, when Hoffa’s Package Division hung members out to dry with this pathetic memo, and then went home for the weekend.

Since then, thousands of outraged members signed an online petition issued by Teamsters United. 

New England Teamsters stopped UPS from unilaterally implementing the change and held coordinated parking lot meetings across the region. 

Hoffa was feeling the heat to do something. But is his letter a call to action or just damage control?

Hoffa can’t just punt the problem by “instructing local unions” to take action.

UPS put the International Union on notice—and we need a coordinated response from our International Union.

Local unions aren’t off the hook either. Hoffa has told them to use all contractual and legal means to fight the Company’s actions.

If UPS has unilaterally implemented the change in your building, what is your local doing about it?

Hoffa is clearly feeling the heat. But will Hoffa and the Package Division deliver results?

Members who are being forced to work 70 hours and six days a week need more than a letter to UPS. We need action.

UPS Teamsters are ready to stand up to the company. We need a union that will stand behind us.

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