The Clock is Ticking at UPS

UPS contract negotiations are coming to a head and the clock is ticking. UPS has two choices. Management can negotiate a tentative agreement that the National Negotiating Committee can recommend to the membership—or the company can strike themselves.

Either way, UPS Teamsters are united and we are going to win.

The National Negotiating Committee walked out of bargaining on Wednesday after the company put a lowball economic offer on the table.

The company may be taking a hard line to try lower members’ expectations. That is not going to work.

Contract talks will resume on Friday June 30. The company may come to its senses and make a contract offer that the National Negotiating Committee can recommend to the membership.

One thing is for certain. Sean O’Brien, Fred Zuckerman, the National Negotiating Committee, and UPS Teamsters are not going to fold.

Practice Picketing

We can’t control what the company will do at the bargaining table. But we can increase our union’s leverage to win the contract we deserve by showing the company that we’re united and ready to strike.

That’s why Local Unions and UPS Teamsters nationwide are organizing Practice Picketing nationwide.

Practice Picketing is not a work stoppage. But it’s a demonstration to UPS, our co-workers and to the public that we’re ready to strike if that’s what it takes to win the contract that we deserve.

Toolkit for Practice Picketing

With contract talks coming to a head, the time to hold practice picketing is right now.

Check out the IBT Practice Picketing toolkit for signs, leaflets, do’s and don’ts for practice picketing and other materials.

Contact your local union or TDU to volunteer and get involved.

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