UPS Contract Vote Starts this Week. Here's What You Need to Know.

The UPS contract vote starts this week. Here's what you need to know. 

vote-no-blast_thumb.jpg1. UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters Are Getting Ready to Vote No

UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters are getting ready to Vote No in big numbers to reject givebacks and send them back to the table to negotiate a better offer.

2. We Can Beat Givebacks & Win a Better Contract Offer

We can win a better contract offer, if we Vote No in big numbers. After Carhaulers Voted No to reject their contract, the companies took givebacks off the table and members won a better contract. 

We can defeat givebacks and win a better contract, but we need to do more than vote. We need to talk with other UPS and UPS Freight Teamsters and encourage them to Vote No too. It's crunch time. Will you help? Download Vote No bulletins or order Vote No signs.  

3. Voting No Does Not Mean a Strike

The company and some Teamster officials will try to scare members into accepting givebacks, by saying that Voting No means a strike. That's not true.

The Hoffa administration used the same trick to try to intimidate carhaulers. Members called their bluff and Voted No. There was no strike. The International Union and the companies returned to the table and brought back a better contract offer.

4. How Voting Works

The contract vote will be done electronically. Balloting materials will be mailed between September 11-14 with a secure PIN to use to vote online or by telephone to a computer. Ballots will be counted on October 5. We will have observers present.

5. What To Do If You Don't Get Your Balloting Packet

If you do not receive your balloting materials and PIN in the mail, or if you need replacement materials for any reason, call your local union to confirm your address and the local will have a new ballot packet sent. 

Text UPS or UPSF to 94253 to sign up for contract updates. Or click here to sign up for updates.

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