UPS Freight Teamsters are fed up with substandard contracts. They're getting organized to Vote NO.
Ballots mail soon. Join UPS Freight Teamsters around the country in the campaign to Vote NO!
Click here to get involved.
Click here to order Vote No signs.
St. Louis: "We ordered Vote NO signs and held a parking lot rally before work. We're showing UPS Freight we're united in our opposition to this bad contract."
Jeff Schnierle, Local 600, St. Louis
Chicago: "Here in Chicago, we're getting info out. Members see all the problems with this contract. We've got a broken grievance procedure, contractors running rampant, and wage increases that don't keep up with inflation. It's time to Vote No."
Larry Paraday, Local 710, Chicago
Cincinnati: "I passed out a petition calling for a NO vote on this contract and got nearly 100% support from city drivers at my barn."
Frank Mize, Local 100 Steward, Cincinnati