Members in Des Moines Local 90 have voted for new leadership and a new direction. Teamsters for Action activists campaigned for change at worksites across Iowa. They built a rank-and-file movement and today they won election with 80 percent of the vote.
Building A Movement
Teamsters for Action launched their campaign by inviting members to get involved in organizing for change. They issued a platform for change and asked members to make it a reality.
“We went to every worksite we could reach with our message of change. We really listened to the issues that members raised. We took the time to hear them out and connect to members at T-Force, Aramark, Grinnell, and McDonald Supply. We built this movement from the bottom up,” said Alano De La Rosa, Secretary Treasurer-Elect.
At UPS, Teamsters for Action mobilized for the National UPS Day of Action in August, and served chili at the gates this fall over conversation about the importance of standing together to win a strong contract.
Campaign volunteers collected phone numbers from half of the local’s membership and turned out the vote.
“You can feel the difference at work. People are feeling excited and more proud than ever to be Teamsters," said Brad Hartman, 27-year Teamster preloader and Vice President-elect.
“We’re only just getting started. Members voted for change. It will take all of us working together to make that change a reality,” said Tanner Fischer, President-elect.