Video: "A Fight for America"

"This is a fight for Central States. But make no mistake, this is a fight for America,' Senator Elizabeth Warren declared to rallying Teamster pension activists.  Share the new pension video that tells our story.

Teamsters and retirees are uniting to save our pensions. We won a historic victory in May when our grassroots movement convinced the Treasury Department to reject the Central States plan to cut the pensions of over 200,000 Teamster retirees. 

But more than 400,000 Teamsters and retirees still face the threat of cuts. We're fighting back. We worked our whole lives for our pensions—now we are working together to defend them. 

TDU has joined forces with AARP, other unions, the Pension Rights Center and labor allies to support pension reform legislation that will strengthen our pension funds and save our benefits.



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