Basic Rights

Your Rights as a TDU Member
As a Teamster you have certain rights protected by law, but they are meaningless unless members make use of them. TDU is the organization of Teamsters dedicated to making that happen.

Union Member Bill of Rights
The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (LMRDA), guarantees your basic democratic rights within our union.

Your Right to a Copy of Your Contract 
Every Teamster has a legal right to a copy of their current collective bargaining agreement—no ifs, ands, or buts.

Teamsters have important rights to information about union finances, our pension plans, our contracts and bylaws. 

Hey! The Boss Is Calling Me Into the Office
In many workplaces, harassment on the shop floor is backed up by the threat of being written up or sent into the office.

Can the Boss Fire Me for facebook?
You’re online and so is your boss. What are the Do’s and Don’ts for staying out of trouble?

Your Right to Talk (& Wear) Union on the Job
Know your rights on the job when it comes to talking union, wearing union-related gear (including Vote No t-shirts) and passing out information at work.

Filing NLRB Charges: A Tool for Rights But No Quick Fix
One of the main laws that protect the union rights of workers in the U.S. is the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). It applies to most private sector workers.

Sexual Harassment
Teamsters can strengthen our union on the shop floor if we can recognize sexual harassment and deal with it swiftly at our workplaces.

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Recent News

Support the AT&T Strikers

Seventeen thousand union members in the Southeast are on strike against AT&T. AT&T wants to hike their healthcare costs and is refusing to engage in good faith negotiations for a new contract. Here's how you can support them, including honoring picket lines. 

Webinar & Toolkit: Heat Safety Rights at UPS

UPS Teamsters from across the country joined our webinar on enforcing new heat safety rights at UPS. Watch the webinar below. Then check out our heat safety rights toolkit. It includes resources to inform other members and enforce our heat safety rights this summer.

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