Contract Negotiations Update

Teamsters United has launched the UPS Teamsters United website with news and updates about the UPS and UPS Freight contracts, including a detailed update on last week's contract negotiations.

UPSCONT_thumb.jpgThe International Union and UPS have wrapped up the second week of contract negotiations. UPSers need to be ready to fight.

The Union has put forward many strong proposals. UPS has responded with concessions. The company knows their givebacks will never be accepted by the members. They are probing the Hoffa administration for weakness and trying to distract the members from our own bargaining demands.

The IBT needs to stand behind our proposals and mobilize the members, not back down or settle short.

“The company’s outrageous and insulting demands show they are not getting the message. Members are not taking givebacks again. We are fighting for a good contract, and we're not backing down,” said Fred Zuckerman, the leader of Teamsters United. 

How You Can Help Win a Good Contract

The company needs to see that members are getting involved and that we will back our union negotiators when they fight for improvements and that we will Vote No if they settle short or submit another substandard deal.

You can build our leverage to win a good contract by informing and involving other members. Forward this email. Share UPS Teamsters United information on facebook and social media. Print and pass out UPS Teamsters United bulletins.   

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