Freight Director Ernie Soehl told Teamster officials on a national conference call that he is in constant communication with freight employers regarding responses and operations during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Source: Creative Commons
Soehl has asked management to use common sense in addressing issues related to the crisis, and he asked the same from Teamster members. The top priority is keeping members and the public safe.
Soehl urged Teamsters to keep the wheels rolling as much as possible as we move essential freight.
Soehl has urged management to relax no-fault attendance policies and vacation rules. No formal agreements have been reached on these issues or on paid leave for freight Teamsters affected by COVID-19.
Soehl said there may be some temporary changes in operations and dispatch procedures. He said should layover hotels and motels close, some runs may be converted to meet-and-turn runs.
Teamster members were encouraged to contact their locals and the Freight Division should they have questions or concerns.