Gearing Up to Win The 2021 Teamster Election

Teamster activists are mobilizing to win new leadership and a new direction for our International Union. TDU members are in it to win it. Every Teamster member will be mailed a ballot to vote for the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United Slate in October.

We need to turn out more than 150,000 votes to be sure to win new leadership. Participation in International Union elections has been on the decline. We’re organizing now to reverse that trend.

Convention Victories Build Momentum

Members won some historic victories at the Teamster Convention, including ending the Two-Thirds Rule and winning the right to have members on all contract negotiating committees.

Our momentum is growing.

150,000 votes are within reach, but it will take Teamster-to-Teamster outreach and a grassroots campaign.

Here’s how you can help.

  • Spread the word at work. When you hear members at work talking about how things could be better, take that opportunity to inform them about the upcoming election.

  • Pass out campaign flyers. Download and print campaign flyers from the OZ-Teamsters United website. Come to work early or stay after you’re done to hand them out.

  • Participate in the Voter Pledge Card Drive. OZ-Teamsters United has launched a Voter Pledge Card Drive. Each pledge card is a postcard that will be mailed back to members to remind them to vote when the ballots come out.

  • Collect phone numbers. Whether you’re signing up members on pledge cards or to get Election Updates, collecting phone numbers is a key to Get Out the Vote this fall.

  • Take time off. Teamster activists are hitting the road to Get Out the Vote. Contact TDU to get plugged in to campaign travel plans or to plan a campaign trip in your area.

  • Attend the TDU Convention on October 1-3 in Chicago, where candidates and Teamster activists will be planning the final GOTV push and preparing to rebuild our union after we win.

Getting Members to Vote with the Voter Pledge Card

O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United has launched a Voter Pledge Card Drive to increase voter participation in the election.

Volunteers have collected tens of thousands of signatures from members who pledge to vote in this fall’s election for International Union officers. Each pledge card is a postcard that will be mailed back to members to remind them to vote.

Voter participation in Teamster elections has been on the decline. The voter pledge card drive is a tool to turn it around.
Contact TDU or the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United Campaign to help with the voter pledge card drive in your local.

Get Involved With The Grassroots Campaign for New Leadership.

Mike_Foster-sm.jpegPledge Drive to Boost Voter Turnout

“I Voted No against givebacks in 2018. It’s time to finish the job by voting in new leaders who will fight for us. I’m signing up members on the Voter Pledge Card so we can turn out the 150,000 votes it will take to elect O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United.”

Mike Foster, Dallas-Ft. Worth Local 767

Sabrina_Tate-sm.JPEGUsing Personal Days to Campaign

“We need a change in leadership. Allowing the creation of a 22.4 position with no rights is unacceptable. Voting out the two-thirds rule is a good start, and I am taking personal days to campaign for OZ to make sure the membership is informed about the upcoming election so we can change our union for the better.”

Sabrina Tate, Charlotte Local 71

Dustin_Roach-sm.jpgHitting the Road to Get Out the Vote

“Teamsters need a new direction in our union. I’m saving a week of vacation time for October to Get Out the Vote across Indiana and win big this fall.”

Dustin Roach, Indianapolis Local 135


Steve_Brown-sm.JPGMember-to-Member Outreach

“We need change if our union is going to take on the nonunion competition. I’m a road driver. Everywhere I go, I have face-to-face conversations with every Teamster I come across. That face-to-face connection is going to make the difference.”

Steve Brown, Rockford, Ill. Local 325

Andre_Williams-sm.JPGMobilizing at the Bottom to Win at the Top

“UPS Teamsters need to know our vote will count this time. I’m getting the word out at my building, and I’m ready to hit the road and bring the message to members at the gates. I’ll be at the TDU Convention this fall to make plans for after we win.”

Andre Williams, Richmond, Va. Local 322

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