How Can You Tell When Hoffa Is Lying?

October 21, 2011: Did you get a Hoffa Campaign Mailing? Did you get the big one in which Hoffa brags that he is keeping Mexican-based trucks from displacing US-based Teamsters?

It didn’t take long to prove that a lie. Yesterday trucks drove some 400 miles into the interior of the US, replacing US-based drivers with workers who get paid a lot less.

How do you know when Hoffa's lying? His lips are moving.

He can fool 10% of Teamsters, and get their votes. RIGHT NOW is the time for Teamsters who are tired of lies, excuses and secret deals to do one simple thing: talk with fellow Teamsters, and ask them to mail in the ballot for Sandy Pope.

Click here to read more at The Galveston County Daily News.

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