YRC to Hire Road Drivers

David Twiddy
Kansas City Business Journal
May 15, 2012

YRC Freight plans to hire 200 over-the-road truck drivers in 13 U.S. cities, including Kansas City.

The company, a subsidiary of Overland Park-based YRC Worldwide Inc. (Nasdaq: YRCW), said Tuesday that the new hires are needed because business is improving.

“YRC Freight is growing, and our volumes are building,” Jeff Rogers, the unit’s president, said in a release.

YRC and its parent company have spent the past three years trying to dig out from the economic doldrums of the recession, which drastically reducing shipping and pushed the company close to bankruptcy. Earlier this year, the company negotiated with its labor unions a series of changes to its delivery network that were expected to cost some jobs and close or scale back some depots.

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