Don’t Let DHL Pull Out of the NMFA!

July 25, 2007: DHL Teamsters are uniting to save the national contract. Download the Draft Contract that would gut members’ rights and find out how you can help keep DHL in the NMFA.

For years, DHL has wanted to bust out of the NMFA and cut its own deal that includes part-timers like UPS—and other sweetheart terms favorable to the company. Our union has always said NO. But now, the International Union is negotiating a back room deal with DHL to get more dues-paying Teamsters in return for letting the company scrap the NMFA.

The time is now for DHL Teamsters to speak up and defend our contract. Fortunately, many Teamsters and local unions are doing just that.

Members across the country are circulating an informational bulletin and a petition to “Preserve the NMFA at DHL.”

DHL and the IBT have already started bargaining, with no input from members or locals. It's far from over but the draft contains plenty to be worried about, including:

  • Part-Timers: The Draft Contract opens the door to a flood of part-timers, guaranteed just 15 hours a week. This could be a death sentence for good jobs at DHL. The Draft Contract includes this language: current full-timers would be red-circled by name and not forced down to part-time. Some protection that is!
  • A two-page list of reasons that you can be immediately fired: The final is a catch-all loophole that would let DHL fire you for just about anything.
  • A weakened grievance procedure: A company-based panel would be set up with only DHL management on the other side. Innocent until proven guilty would be eliminated and so would our Right to Strike on deadlocked grievances (“the hammer.”)

You can help save our contract. Get informed. Spread the word. Tell our International Union to save our contract.

Download the bulletin, “Don’t Let DHL Pull Out of the NMFA”

Download the petition, “Preserve the NMFA at DHL”

Read the Draft National Agreement and Draft PUD Supplement.

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