Indiana Teamsters Speak Out Against ‘Right to Work’

January 17, 2012: Anti-worker politicians in Indiana are trying to push through “Right to Work” legislation. Indiana Teamsters are saying this law is “Bad for Indiana.”

“Republicans claim right to work legislation will create more jobs. Statistics show that Right to Work means lower wages and unsafe working conditions,” said Matt Zentz, a Local 135 Teamster at Holland. “Is this what working people in Indiana really need?”

The law would make it illegal for unions to make workers who get the benefits of a union contract pay their fair share. According to a study by the Economic Policy Institute, Right to Work laws lower average income by about $1,500 a year in the 22 states where they are on the books.

Geneva Huneycutt, an over-the-road driver at ABF, agreed: “"This right to work legislation is nothing but an attack on our hard won union rights."This right to work legislation is nothing but an attack on our hard won union rights.”

“It’s time for Teamster members to stand up and say “no way” to corporate greed and these corporate politicians.”

Indiana Republicans are pushing this legislation through both the Indiana House and Senate quickly. But opponents of the bill are trying to put the issue on the ballot, so that Indiana voters can decide.

Last fall, Ohio voters rejected an anti-union bill there by 61 percent.

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