UPS Contract Proposals Set

September 21, 2012: The International Union briefed local union officers in Chicago today on the union's proposals for UPS contract negotiations. Bargaining on the national contract opens on Sept. 27.

Chief negotiator Ken Hall gave a presentation on key contract issues while local officers reviewed briefing books with a partial list of the union's contract proposals.

Union bargaining proposals will reportedly include:

Pension Increases: More money for pensions, including increases in the benefits paid by the IBT-UPS plan that covers 48,000 full-time UPSers in the Central and Southern regions.

Full-Time 22.3 Jobs: More full-time 22.3 jobs and language that would require the company to maintain 22.3 jobs in the local union where they are created.

Protection for UPS Technology: Language to protect drivers from discipline solely based on GPS and telematics technology.

Wage increases including increases in starting pay for part-timers which has been frozen at $8.50 since 1987.

Regarding Surepost, Hall said it is up to UPS to propose language that protects Teamsters from the controversial program if the company wants the union’s continued cooperation with Surepost.

Hall noted that harassment and excessive overtime were key bargaining issues, but did not reveal specific contract proposals the Union will put forward.

Hall promised that every Local would receive a complete copy of the union's bargaining proposals when the company and IBT exchange proposals next Thursday, Sept. 27.

For the first time ever, local officers were not allowed to keep copies of the union bargaining proposals. Hall said TDU would post the proposals for members, before he hands them to management next week.

TDU's Make UPS Deliver network will keep members in the loop with contract updates. Click here to sign up for contract updates from TDU.

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