Save Our Pensions Campaign

TDU is uniting Teamsters and retirees together to save our pensions. We won a major victory when the Treasury Department rejected the Central States pension cut plan. But more than 400,000 Teamsters and retirees still face the threat of cuts. We're fighting back. We worked our whole lives for our pensions—now we are working together to defend them. 

TDU has joined forces with AARP, other unions, the Pension Rights Center and labor allies to support pension reform legislation that will strengthen our pension funds and save our benefits.



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UPS Teamsters Need a Pension Increase

March 15, 2013: Does a ten-year freeze in pension benefits sound too long to you? That is what half of all UPS full-time Teamsters could face, unless there are improvements put in Article 34 of the UPS National Contract. The IBT-UPS Pension Plan covers Teamsters in 24 states (the southern region, the Carolinas, and most of the central region), but this plan has the lowest benefits of all Teamster pension plans! Fortunately, that situation can...

Could Central States Cuts Affect UPS Retirees?

March 15, 2013: Some 50,000 UPS Teamsters stand to draw a pension from the Central States Fund, even though UPS was allowed to pull out of that fund in 2008 and set up their own IBT-UPS Pension Plan, run by the company. The way it works is that UPS pays the pension until the retiree reaches 65. Then Central States pays its share of the pension (which would be most of it), and UPS makes...

A Plan to Protect Pensions

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