Republic Services: Reinstate Employee Greg Dowis NOW

UPDATED --- Teamster Greg Dowis is back to work with full back pay thanks to solidarity! 

Republic Services, a multibillion dollar trash and landfill corporation, suspended Teamster Greg Dowis for speaking out about worker safety during the coronavirus pandemic. Sign this petition launched by the IBT Waste Division to demand that Republic Services reinstate Greg Dowis with full back pay NOW!

Republic Services suspended Greg, a 22-year garbage truck driver and union shop steward, in retaliation for standing up for worker and community safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Dowis spoke with fellow workers about how Republic Services is failing to provide proper protections against coronavirus and is forcing workers to drive unsafe equipment.

Sign the Petition: Reinstate Greg Dowis Now!

Sanitation workers put their lives on the line every day to protect the public health in the 5th-deadliest job in America. 

Greg and all sanitation workers are essential in this public health emergency. 

It is unconscionable that Republic Services suspended an employee who spoke out about hazardous working conditions at a time when his community is trying to contain the coronavirus.

Sign the Teamsters petition to support justice for Greg Dowis.

Sign the Petition: Reinstate Greg Dowis Now!

Greg is married, has a son serving in the U.S. Army, and two grandchildren. He is just looking to protect his family and his community. 

The largest Republic Services shareholder, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, said about the pandemic: “Workers will be doing heroic work and we need to support them.”

Demand that Greg Dowis be returned to work and paid for all the work Republic forced him to miss. All workers should be able to speak out about safety – for themselves, for their co-workers and for their communities.

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