TForce Teamsters will vote in-person this week on a proposed new five-year contract. Read the Tentative Agreement Highlights, a Summary of the Economic Changes, and a complete copy of the Tentative Agreement with all changes.
Approximately 7,800 Teamsters in 126 local unions who work at TForce Freight are eligible to cast ballots in secret-ballot voting that will be conducted at TForce Facilities.
The proposed contract includes:
Wage Increases: The contract includes $4.50 in wage increases over five years, up from $2.20 in the last contract. The raises are front-loaded with $1.70 an hour in August this year and four 70¢ increases in January of 2025-2028.
Higher Mileage Rates: Mileage rates will increase to $.7557 in August 2023 and hit $.8257 by January 2028.
Shorter Progression: The four-year progression has been reduced to two years.
Two-Tier Eliminated: All drivers will follow the same pay progression, reversing a concession from the previous contract that capped new drivers at a lower top rate.
Healthcare: Employee premiums on healthcare will be reduced by $45/month starting in August of 2026. The healthcare plan cannot be changed by the employer.
Paid Time Off: The new contract includes two additional discretionary days, increasing the total number from four to six. Martin Luther King Day has been added as a paid holiday.
Work Rule Improvements
There are a number of work rule changes:
Subcontracting: The contract includes stricter caps on the maximum number of subcontracted miles allowed that will win back 140 jobs from layoffs and nearly 300 new road driver jobs. The loophole in Article 44 has been closed. All subcontracted loads are governed by the same restrictions whether they are put on the rails or on the road.
Right to Strike: If the company refuses to abide by a grievance committee decision or arbitration, the union can strike. This gives the grievance procedure real teeth to enforce the contract when it comes to subcontracting, for example.
No Layoffs: There can be no layoffs if there is rail or a subcontractor being used.
Road drivers will only perform road work and cannot work the docks except for the current mini-hub operations. Mini-hubs cannot be expanded without approval from the IBT.
Eight-Hour Guarantee: The 90/10 guarantee language has been eliminated. Now 100 percent of the full-time workforce will be guaranteed eight hours when put to work.
Cameras: Outward-facing cameras cannot be used for discipline. No inward-facing recording permitted.
Technology: The company is prohibited from using robots, driverless vehicles, drones, or other technology to move freight or replace drivers, clerks, or dockworkers.
Excessive Overtime: Members who do come in on their day off cannot be forced past eight hours of work. There will be an “overtime trigger” to get laid-off local cartage and clerks back to work, if the active employees are engaged in excessive overtime. This trigger is based on an overtime percentage.
Double-time on 7th Day: All hours worked on the seventh day will be at double time regardless of which day it falls on, with the exception of holiday weeks.
Read the Tentative Agreement Highlights, a Summary of the Economic Changes, and a complete copy of the Tentative Agreement with all changes, and cast an informed vote on your contract.