Upcoming TDU Workshops

The TDU Convention is moving online this year. Next up are three workshops in September and October that look ahead to what it will take to rebuild union power after we elect new Teamster leadership, including Meeting the Amazon Threat, Winning the UPS Contract We Deserve, and After We Win. Find out more and register today.

All workshops are held via Zoom at Noon Eastern / 11 am Central / 10 am Mountain / 9 am Pacific.

Workshops are free to attend. Donations to help cover the costs are welcome. 

After We Win: Challenges & Opportunities for the Teamsters Under New Leadership

Saturday, October 17

TDU members and other active Teamsters are working hard to elect the OZ-Teamsters United Slate. But then what?

How can concerned Teamsters make a difference in building union power after we win?  

Join concerned Teamsters, including members of our International Union’s next leadership, to talk about the opportunities and challenges ahead—and our goals for the Teamsters.

Click here to register.

The TDU ConventionSunday, November 8

The Teamsters is at a turning point. The Hoffa era is over. What we do in the next year will determine what comes next.

Talk with Teamster activists and leaders about the challenges and opportunities and what it will take to win. 

Set our goals and plans for the coming year. Elect TDU’s Steering Committee for the coming year, and make plans to transform our union. 

Click here to register

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Recent News

Support the AT&T Strikers

Seventeen thousand union members in the Southeast are on strike against AT&T. AT&T wants to hike their healthcare costs and is refusing to engage in good faith negotiations for a new contract. Here's how you can support them, including honoring picket lines. 

Webinar & Toolkit: Heat Safety Rights at UPS

UPS Teamsters from across the country joined our webinar on enforcing new heat safety rights at UPS. Watch the webinar below. Then check out our heat safety rights toolkit. It includes resources to inform other members and enforce our heat safety rights this summer.

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