Hoffa's Corruption Connection

The shady characters at the heart of the corruption scandal that is bringing down International VP Rome Aloise have ties to General President Hoffa too. 

Photo: International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Hoffa’s top power broker in the West, Rome Aloise, has been charged with serial corruption violations, involving a shady cast of characters—each one with their own ties to Hoffa.

Aloise was caught signing a sham contract with Charles Bertucio. The phony contract provided Teamster benefits to Bertucio, the owner of an investment firm. 

It turns out that Charles Bertucio is an employer pal and golfing buddy of Hoffa's. In 2013, Hoffa joined Bertucio on a golf trip to Scotland along with Aloise and Hoffa campaign operative Richard Leebove. In 2014 the same gang went to Ireland for a golf junket, joined by International Trustee and Carhaul Director Kevin Moore. 

Aloise faces charges for soliciting the illegal gifts from SWS executives—along with other employers, while he was in contract negotiations with them. SWS bosses praised Aloise for pressuring Teamster Local 792 to go easy on the company in bargaining. 

One of the recipients  of the employer gifts obtained by Aloise was Hoffa’s Executive Assistant Willie Smith who was given six tickets to an exclusive Playboy Club Superbowl Party in New Orleans. The gift from corporate executives to a labor official violated federal law. An executive from SWS, an employer of 2000 Teamsters, wrote to Aloise that he was “happy to pay” for “Hoffa’s key guy.” 

When members ran for office against a friend of Rome Aloise in Stockton Local 601, Aloise hired campaign operatives to run an attack campaign to discredit the members. Investigators have now charged Aloise with using employer and union resources to illegally finance his dirty campaign against the rank and file.

Once again, Hoffa's fingerprinters are all over this scandal. The campaign operative hired by Aloise is none other than Richard Leebove is a high-paid consultant to the IBT and a Hoffa campaign operative who specializes in attacking union reformers.

Leebove was caught shaking down employers for illegal contributions to the Hoffa Campaign—and making illegal campaign contributions of his own to the tune of $167,675. He was banned from one International election and suspended from another for violations. After each scandal, Hoffa has put Leebove back on the IBT gravy train. 

Read More:

Rome Aloise: Hoffa's Main Man in the West Charged with Corruption

Hoffa's Corruption Scandals Through the Years

Why Hoffa Can't Kick the Corruption Habit


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