Save Our Pensions Campaign


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YRC Bargaining to Resume Wednesday

July 6, 2009: The IBT and YRC will continue talks on Wednesday, July 8, when they consider a proposal to temporarily terminate YRC participation in Teamster pension plans for about 14 months. The goal is to help restore YRC to profitability. Temporary termination is slightly different from the pension deferral plan initially offered by the union; in this proposal, there would be no obligation on the part of YRC to repay the missing contributions. Teamsters...

YRC: Bargain to Protect Jobs

June 22, 2009: The International Union is in talks with YRC with a proposal to defer employer pension contributions for 14 months. The aim is to help restore the company’s profitability. Download a bulletin you can distribute to other freight Teamsters.We think another issue needs to be put on the table: protecting good union jobs and the health of our union in trucking. The corporation’s savings from a 14-month pension deferral would be about $500...

Teamsters proposal would give YRC more operating cash

June 22, 2009: YRC Worldwide Inc. may get more leeway from its major union, which would provide more operating cash. Representatives from freight locals of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Union, which represents most YRC (Nasdaq: YRCW) workers, met last week in Chicago to talk about the company’s operating and financial condition, the Teamsters said in an update. Based on internal and independent financial analyses of the company, the representatives unanimously agreed to let a...

Can Freight Teamsters Be a Force for Change?

June 19, 2009: Hundreds of freight Teamsters have contacted TDU during the YRC concession crisis. They are concerned and they are angry. The question is: can we come together and be a force for change? Bill Zollar’s reckless mismanagement has driven YRC to the brink of disaster. However they plan to vote, YRC Teamsters know the latest concessions plan is a stop-gap measure at best. We need a union program for rebuilding Teamster power in...

IBT Proposes 14-month Pension Deal for YRC

June 18, 2009. The International Union is proposing that the national contract with YRC be amended to defer pension contributions for some 14 months, which would allow nearly $500 million in savings to the carrier. The outline of the plan was unveiled today by the Hoffa administration at a meeting of freight local union officers in Chicago. The plan calls for YRC to obtain additional funding in bank credit, to provide additional fresh operating cash...
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Protect Earned Pensions: Act this Week

Now is the time for all Teamsters – active and retired – to contact their Senators to urge that pension protection be included in the new stimulus bill.  Congress will reconvene and negotiate the terms of the new stimulus bill next week. This may be our last, best chance to protect earned pensions for Teamsters and all workers. 


Vote on TDU Convention Workshops

TDU will hold a series of online workshops and webinars starting on August 23 leading up to an online Convention on Sunday, November 8. Help decide what workshops to hold by taking this online poll.

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