Save Our Pensions Campaign


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Court Rules Against Retiree Rights

September 15, 2005: The federal Court of Appeals in Chicago ruled on Sept. 8 against Teamster retirees who were fighting to broaden their right to work to supplement their Central States pension. The appeals judges upheld a decision that favored the Central States Fund, which a few years ago started to crack down hard on retirees taking jobs at boat marinas, golf courses, family farms, auto repair shops, or hardware stores. The trustees of the...

Pension Cuts Take A Human Toll

March 16, 2006: When the Central States Pension Fund trustees, led by chairman Fred Gegare, made drastic cuts two years ago, Teamsters knew their futures were not as secure as they once assumed. Those close to retirement paid the most attention, and took the lead in the Teamster fightback. These Teamsters thought they were set after nearly 30 years of hard work and couldn’t imagine top Teamster officials joining with the companies in such an...

Central States Funds Change Benefits

December 6, 2005: Teamster and employer trustees of the Central States Funds agreed to changes in benefits to keep the overburdened multi-employer pension fund from collapsing, a Teamsters faction reported. The dissident group Teamsters for a Democratic Union, in a Dec. 1 Web posting, blasted the agreement as a disservice to union members and called for firing the Teamster trustees. "In exchange for an IRS extension of the period allowing for amortizing the fund's unfunded...

Hoffa Adopts TDU Position on Pension Law

December 5, 2005: For nearly a year, the Hoffa administration has been lobbying for legislation that would allow Teamster benefit plans to cut members’ previously guaranteed pension benefits—and even to cut the pensions of Teamsters who have already retired. Teamsters for a Democratic Union has fought this legislative attack on our pension security. Now at the 11th hour, James Hoffa has reversed himself and adopted TDU’s position—coming out against the so-called Red Zone Amendment. Since...

IBT Needs Plan for Countering Employer Attacks on Benefits

December 5, 2005: Employers across North America are attacking the pension and medical benefits of working Americans. Union and non-union workers are being hit with larger co-pays, cuts in benefits, or worse. Our union needs a clear plan of action for protecting and improving benefits for all Teamsters. The employers have a plan. Our union leadership doesn’t. That’s why we are being pushed backward now. Local Unions — and many benefit plans are local, or...
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Philadelphia UPSers Win a Voice in Contract Negotiations

Fed up with information brownouts and contract givebacks, UPS Teamsters in Philadelphia have voted for sweeping reforms in the Local 623 bylaws to give members more power in contract negotiations.

IBT VPs Move to Block Imposition of UPS Deals

International Union Vice President Avral Thompson has issued a letter calling on President Hoffa and the General Executive Board (GEB) to honor the contract votes by UPSers in Detroit and Western Pennsylvania.

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