Today’s WSJ: News for ABF Teamsters

The Wall Street Journal reports today reports that truck driver wages are up “15 to 18%” and are going to go up faster, due to a shortage of qualified drivers. This news comes as the Hoffa administration says ABF drivers should be happy with raises from 1.2% to 1.8% per year.

Photo: Dennis Fraevich, Flickr Creative Commons

The Wall Street Journal Report, “Truck Driver Salaries Rising on Surging Demand” notes “truck-driver salaries rose between 15% and 18% from 2013 to 2017” and that they are “up even more” this year.

Every ABF Teamster should look at this article before you get Hoffa’s sales job in the mail. And maybe compare them, side by side.

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Get the local-by-local vote on the YRCW contract and every supplement.  Check out the vote in your local and others. See where the Yes and No votes prevailed.

YRCW Contract - What's Next for Freight?

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UPDATED: The tentative agreement for YRC, Holland and New Penn was approved by the meeting of local officers today, and ballot materials will be mailed to members on April 19.  Members should review the agreement, and cast an informed vote.

YRCW Contract Info & Voting Schedule

The tentative agreement covering YRC, Holland and New Penn Teamsters will be posted online on Wednesday, April 10, immediately following the meeting of union officers from freight locals in Chicago.  We will post the tentative agreement for members to review. So will the International Union.

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