Women Teamsters

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On a Quest to Make History

The Woman Who is President of a New York Teamsters Local is in an Uphill Race for Secretary-Treasurer of the National Union By Stephen FranklinChicago Tribune staff reporter October 12, 2006. Say a mean-looking, burly guy starts giving Sandy Pope a tough time at a Teamsters union meeting. Her inclination is to walk up to him and ask what's his problem. "I'm pretty in your face," she said about the style she has relied on...

UPS Hits New Low in Attack on Pregnant Employees

When Mary Plagman's doctor put her on a 25-pound weight restriction because of her pregnancy, UPS management informed her that they had no work available for her. As they have done with many other women in her position, UPS forced her off the job and onto leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).Anticipating the end of her FMLA leave Plagman-Markham planned to go onto disability leave, but now UPS is challenging her ability...

Women on Front Lines of Early Teamster Reform

Before TDU won the right for direct elections of delegates, women and minorities hardly ever made it to the floor of the Teamster Convention. The Right to Vote helped that situation. As we look forward to building a movement that includes the voices of all Teamsters, TDU would like to take advantage of Women’s History Month to acknowledge some exceptional women who have fought for their sisters and brothers against the corruption of previous Teamster...
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Fight Layoffs with Contract Enforcement

UPS executives and Wall Street investors are crying because the company made “only” $9.9 billion in profits last year. The company will lay off 12,000 full and part-time managers as a result. Unlike management, Teamsters can fight layoffs. Here’s how.

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