Hey! The Boss Is Calling Me Into the Office
In many workplaces, harassment on the shop floor is backed up by the threat of being written up or sent into the office.
Dealing with Discipline for Absenteeism
When it comes to defending members, write-ups for absenteeism is one of the most common problems stewards have to deal with.
Using 'Just Cause' to Win Grievances
Understanding 'Just Cause' can help protect Teamsters from discipline or discharge.
The Seven Tests for Just Cause
Most Teamster contracts protect workers from termination except for “just cause.”
Steward's Corner: Last Chance Agreements
What should a fired member do if management offers them a “Last Chance Agreement” as a condition for getting their job back?
How to Win a Disparate Treatment Case
One of the most powerful arguments a union can make against unfair discipline is disparate treatment.