Hoffa Watch

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What Will it Take to Dump Hoffa & Hall?

October 17, 2013: Hoffa and Hall are dishing out concessions as fast as employers can serve them up. After spending the summer cutting the healthcare of 140,000 UPS Teamsters, the Hoffa-Hall administration is now targeting Teamster pensions. The Central States Pension Fund is lobbying Congress to eliminate key pension protections and give Central States the power to cut retirees' pensions. Hoffa and Hall's standing with the members has never been lower. So how do they stay...

Teamster Organizers Petition for Solidarity

August 16, 2013: The organizers who work for the International Union have launched an online petition drive directed at the Hoffa administration. The petition was launched on MoveOn.org and calls on the Hoffa administration and organizing director Jeff Farmer to bargain fairly with the union of IBT organizers and to maintain their present benefits and terms of employment. Some organizers have been fired and have suits pending against the Hoffa administration. Fired organizer Tim Lewis...

Hoffa's Hidden Record Re-Visited

August 16, 2013: In online discussion forums, many Teamsters are asking where Hoffa came from and how he became Teamster President. In response to members' questions, TDU is re-issuing two documents on the history of James Hoffa prior to his election as Teamster President. These two thoroughly-researched documents were produced in 1996 for the Ron Carey Campaign. They document Hoffa's work and background over a long period of time. The facts in these reports have...

Why is the U.S. DOL Re-Running the L.A. Local 848 Election?

August 15, 2013: There's a rerun election in the 5,000-member Local 848 in Los Angeles in progress, as a result of a federal lawsuit brought by the U.S. Labor Department due to serious election violations. The Labor Department is conducting the election. The sad truth is, the exact same violations were brought before Joint Council 42, headed by International vice president Randy Cammack, and then to the International union. Instead of enforcing the members' right...

Members Reject National Gate Gourmet Contract

August 14, 2013: After 8 months without a contract, Teamsters and UNITE HERE members at Gate Gourmet rejected a tentative agreement by the lopsided margin of 2,179 No to 742 Yes, in yet another national Hoffa-administration contract which the members think is a stinker. The number one issue is wages. Yet IBT Local 528 in Atlanta, which represents a large number of Teamsters, says they will not pursue wage increases beyond what's been proposed but...
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Teamsters Hit Sysco with Coordinated Strike Action

Sysco operations across Indiana and Kentucky have ground to a halt after Teamster members walked out last night in Unfair Labor Practice strikes. The strike is the latest example of coordinated Teamster action at Sysco that is increasing members’ bargaining leverage.

Watch the Video! UPS Teamsters: Get Ready for April Kickoff Actions

Check out the recording of our UPS Teamsters United webinar, Get Ready for April Kickoff Actions! Contract negotiations begin on April 17, and our union is kicking them off with rallies, parking lot meetings, and contract actions across the country. More than 1,300 UPS Teamsters joined our call to hear from guest speaker Sean O'Brien and make plans to hold kickoff actions in April. Get involved here.

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