Hoffa Watch

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Coalition Launches Rival Federation

September 30, 2005: The Teamsters officially left the AFL-CIO on July 25. One day earlier, James Hoffa announced the IBT would boycott the Convention where the AFL-CIO was marking its founding 50 years ago as a united labor federation. On Sept. 27, the Teamsters and seven other unions who are currently part of the Change to Win coalition will formally launch a rival labor federation at a founding convention. The other Change to Win unions...

Who Is Running the Teamsters Union?

September 25, 2005: Do you know Greg Tarpinian? If you care about your union, you should. He’s practically running it. And you are paying him millions of dollars to do it. Tarpinian is a labor consultant in New York. He attached himself to Hoffa back in 1996 when he campaigned for him, along with another consultant, Richard Leebove of Detroit. He’s wiggled upward ever since. His long time close associates have eased into key positions...

TDU Wins Changes in Election Rules

September 25, 2005: The Election Rules, which govern our election for International officers and delegate elections in every local, have been improved, thanks to a strong set of proposals from Teamsters for a Democratic Union. On Aug. 31, U.S. Attorney David Kelley submitted revised Rules to federal judge Loretta Preska for approval, with four changes from the proposed rules issued in May. All four were proposed by TDU and submitted to the U.S. Attorney by...

Changing to Win at Overnite?

September 25, 2005: In a recent interview with the Associated Press, James Hoffa said that leaving the AFL-CIO would make the Teamsters more successful at organizing the nonunion competition because “we’re more nimble and we don’t have the big bloated bureaucracy.” Skeptics might wonder if it’s really John Sweeney and his AFL-CIO bureaucracy that has held back Hoffa’s organizing ambitions. Four months have passed since UPS announced it was buying Overnite and the nimble, bureaucracy-free...

AFL-CIO Split? No One Asked Rank And File Teamsters!

September 5, 2005: That’s what the banner on the Local 206 truck said at the Labor Day picnic in Portland, Ore. Because it’s true. “Before the SEIU withdrew, they discussed the issue for two years, but Hoffa yanked 1.3 million Teamsters out of the AFL-CIO without any kind of consultation with members or local officers. That is not a responsible way to make a decision of this magnitude,” says Local 206 President Bill Zimmerman. “I’ll...
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The Debate Over Debates

For the first time in the 30-year history of Teamster members voting for International Union officers, there will likely be one or more debates between the candidates for Teamster General President. Both the O’Brien-Zuckerman and Vairma-Herrera slates are publicly calling for debates.

Sign the Petition to Support OZ-Teamsters United at the Teamster Convention

O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United is proposing a series of amendments to the Teamster Constitution to increase the power of working Teamsters. Sign the petition to show your support for OZ-Teamsters United at the Teamster Convention.

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