Hoffa Watch

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BNA Daily Labor Report: IBT Puts Local 714 under Trusteeship

June 17, 2008: International Brotherhood of Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa has placed Chicago-based Local 714 under the control of a trustee, alleging that local leaders maintain contact with barred individuals and operate nepotistic work assignment systems, IBT officials said June 16. Hoffa's action comes nearly 10 months after the Independent Review Board, the court-supervised panel charged with drumming corruption out of the Teamsters, suggested similar action with respect to Local 714 (211 DLR...

Chicago Tribune: Local 714 in Trusteeship for Sweetheart Deals

June 13, 2008: For the second time, Teamsters union officials have taken Local 714 out of the hands of a member of the Hogan family. Saying the heads of the influential 10,000-member organization had rebuffed efforts of an official sent to work with them in September, Teamsters Union President James P. Hoffa this week imposed an emergency trusteeship over the local. Click here to read more at chicagotribune.com.

Chicago Local 714 in Trusteeship

June 12, 2008: On June 9 the International Union finally followed the recommendation of the Independent Review Board (IRB) and placed Chicago Local 714 into trusteeship. The letter from James Hoffa lists a number of reasons, including job favoritism for the Hogan family, refusal to transfer assets that belong to trade show members to their new local, continued contact with banned members Billy and Robert Hogan, and refusing to cooperate in the monitoring of the...

Chicago Tribune: Obama and John Coli

May 6, 2008: An official from Sen. Barack Obama's campaign today rejected the suggestion that his endorsement by the Teamsters came as a trade for his vow to lift the government's supervision of the union. Click here to read more at chicagotribune.com.

Slate.com: Obama, The Teamsters and The Right to Vote

May 6th, 2008: The focus of yesterday’s Teamster flap—it hasn’t quite reached ’gatehood yet—centered on whether or not Obama wants to reduce federal oversight of the country’s fourth-largest union. Obama said that the union had done a “terrific job cleaning itself in-house” with regard to corruption but denied giving a “blanket commitment” to cutting back oversight. Hillary Clinton, too, has that it’s time to “turn the page” on the consent decree, but her campaign says...
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