Hoffa Watch

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Hoffa Fires Larry Brennan

James Hoffa removed Michigan Joint Council President Larry Brennan from his International position effective Jan. 1. Brennan lost a $50,000 salary but will continue to head the Michigan Joint Council and Detroit Local 337. The firing, along with that of Brennan’s assistant Dennis Hands, shocked Teamster insiders, because it was Brennan who gave Hoffa a no-show job as an assistant for two years to make him eligible to run for office in the Teamsters Union....

Hoffa Golf Tourney

They say charity begins at home. But sometimes it begins with your dues. Hundreds of Teamster officials will each put down $1,300 in fees for the James R. Hoffa charity golf tourney in Las Vegas, to be held May 1-3 at the Paiute golf resort.  And now, they can also put down another $1,300 for a poker tournament as well. They golf, gamble and mix with various Teamster employers. That’s some nice charity, but it...

Analyzing the 2006 IBT Election

December 5, 2006: A Look at the Facts & Figures Hoffa won with 65 percent of the vote, in a 21 percent turnout. That is the same margin as in 2001, but with a slightly smaller turnout this year. The Hoffa campaign spent over $3 million to Leedham's $300,000 according to forms filed by each campaign with the Election Supervisor. The IBT and Central States and Western Conference Pension Plans spent millions more on propaganda...

Election Results By Local

Click here for results for the Central Region. Click here for results for the Southern Region. Click here for results for the Eastern Region. Click here for results for the Western Region. Click here for results for Canada.

Western Officials Off to Waikiki Beach

December 5, 2006:All local and International officials from the Western Region have been invited by International Vice President Jim Santangelo to spend a week at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu in late February. Then, officials with local pension funds can stay an extra week in early March at a pension trustee educational. Some local officials have pointed out to Santangelo their embarrassment at having to face questions from members about these union-paid trips to tropical resorts....
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UPS Teamsters Win $1.29 Million Wage Theft Lawsuit

UPS Teamsters in metro New York have won a $1.29 million class action lawsuit settlement against UPS for illegally deducting money from employees’ paychecks and giving it to United Way. 

“This was a union member-led fight. They blew the whistle, filed a class action lawsuit, and won,” said Teamsters Local 804 President Vinnie Perrone.

Central States Financials -- Help is on the Way

As of June 30, 2021, the Central States Pension Fund had $9.3 billion in assets, which is down $1.1 billion from the beginning of 2021. This information is from the Fund’s Financial and Analytical Report for the second quarter, which was just obtained by Teamsters for a Democratic Union.

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