Pensions & Benefits

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Act Now to Stop Sneak Attack to Cut Pensions

December 3, 2014: Behind closed doors, a handful of Congressional representatives are planning to pass a major change to federal pension law, by making a last-minute amendment to the omnibus budget bill which Congress must pass by December 11 to avoid a shutdown. You need to take action now to stop this sneak attack. Does that seem like the right way to consider the future of pensions for hundreds of thousands of Teamsters and millions...

Retirees, Watch Out: Detroit May Become Blueprint for Other Cities

Curt Guyette Labor Notes December 02, 2014 View the original piece Here’s what’s really being missed in most snapshot explanations of Detroit’s bankruptcy: the unprecedented hit being taken by retirees who believed that, after working throughout their lives, they would be secure in their old age. And Detroit sets a dangerous precedent. Your city’s retirees may be next in the crosshairs. Click here to read more at Labor Notes.

Wall Street is Taking Over America's Pension Plans

Murtaza Hussain The Intercept November 25, 2014 View the original piece Coverage of the midterm elections has, understandably, focused on the shift in political power from Democrats toward Republicans. But behind the scenes, another major story has been playing out. Wall Street spent upwards of $300M to influence the election results. And a key part of its agenda has been a plan to move more and more of the $3 trillion dollars in unguarded government pension funds into privately managed, high-fee investments...

The truth about multiemployer plans

Nick Thornton Benefits Pro November 20, 2014 View the original piece Could it be that the vast majority of the country’s multiemployer pension plans are in fine shape?  The headlines around multiemployer plans this year have not been pretty, so it’s easy to assume they’re all in trouble. Click here to read more at Benefits Pro.

Stop Congress from Cutting Retirees' Hard Earned Pensions

November 18, 2014: Unless we act now, Congress may end up cutting a legislative deal by year’s-end to allow pension plan trustees to slash the already-earned benefits of retirees as a purported way of saving deeply-troubled multiemployer plans. This would be a radical departure from the federal pension law and it would wipe out the anti-cutback rule which states unequivocally that once a retiree starts receiving a pension – it cannot be taken away unless...
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31,715 Graphics Teamsters’ Pensions Are Now Protected

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation announced last week that it approved a payment of $1.29 billion to the Graphic Communications Conference of the IBT Pension Plan, to prevent drastic pension cuts in the plan, which has 31,715 retirees and working Teamsters.

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