Pensions & Benefits

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Teamsters Speak Out: "Don't Cut my Pension"

UPDATED October 4, 2013: Teamsters whose pensions are in danger due to a new proposed law are speaking out. Some will make their presence known at the October 10 Congressional hearing in Washington DC on the proposed law. Read what Teamsters have to say about the proposal to let the Central States Fund – and other pension funds – cut pensions of retirees and cut the already-earned credits of active Teamsters. Click here to receive...

"We Earned Our Pensions"

“We’re organizing a pension meeting for the Twin Cities. Retired Teamsters and those still working at freight companies, grocery warehouses, ready-mix, carhaul, and UPS want to know what’s going on and what they can do to protect their retirement. We’re organizing to get them the answers. We need others doing the same in their local areas.” Sam Karam, YRCLocal 120Minneapolis, MN I was going for 35 years and out. After 31 years, my union rep....

Tell Congress: Don't Cut Our Pensions!

UPDATED October 23, 2013: A Congressional hearing will be held to address pension issues Tuesday, October 29. Click here to tell your Senators and Congressional Representatives to vote NO on any plan to allow earned pensions to be cut. This site, sponsored by the Machinists Union, will allow you to send an email message right away to your Senators and Reps. Click here for a list of Congressional Reps on the Education and Workforce Committee who...

Writing Congress to Protect Your Pension

September 25, 2013: You can easily find the postal and email addresses for your Congressional Rep and U.S. Senators here.You can find the names of those on the Education and Workforce Committee here. Please send them copies of your letter.

Central States Pension and H&W Funds Financial Reports

September 12, 2013: The latest financial report (first quarter 2013) for the Central States Pension Fund is now available, and reflects assets of $18.3 billion as of March 31, 2013. This represents a $517 million gain in the first quarter, due to the big run-up in the stock market during that period. Since that time, the stock market leveled off, and bonds have done poorly, so the current balance is certainly lower. The fund relies...
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