Pensions & Benefits

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UPS Management Wins On Pension Bill

UPS won critical new leverage in their campaign to take over our pension funds when the House and Senate passed the misnamed Pension Protection Act. The Act includes UPS’s baby, the “Red Zone” amendment, which legalizes cutting pension benefits that employees have already earned. The New York Times called UPS “another of the bill’s winners”. The Times reported that, “U.P.S. had been eager to increase its control over such troubled plans as the Teamsters’ Central...

Coming Soon: After Election Central States Cuts to H & W

July 17, 2006: The big health care cuts that the Hoffa administration just slapped on Michigan freight Teamsters will spread to freight, UPS and carhaul Teamsters throughout the Central and Southern Regions. The Central States trustees are staying quiet about the cuts until after the election for International officers. Then the “surprise attack” will come down. For the third year in a row, the contractual August 60 cents per hour increase in employer contributions in...

Red Zone Delegation Report Back

July 17, 2006: In May, a delegation of Teamster local officers and members, some of them pictured above, converged on Washington to meet with Congressional reps about dangers for Teamsters in pending pension legislation. In particular they were on Capitol Hill to deliver a message: the Red Zone Amendment, which would allow pension funds to cut benefits already earned, must go. “The Bible says ‘confront the devil and he will flee from you,’” North Carolina...

Michigan Freight Teamsters’ Health Benefits Slashed

July 17, 2006: Effective August 1, all Michigan cartage Teamsters covered by the NMFA will have major cuts in medical coverage, as a result of moneys diverted from their fund to the Central States Pension Fund. The Michigan Fund informed all affected members of the cuts in a July 3 letter. The Michigan Fund reported that the Hoffa freight leadership diverted money from health coverage over “emphatic objections” of the health plan. For the third...

Teamsters in West Measure Pension Cuts

June 6, 2005: Teamsters covered under the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust received a statement in May detailing how much benefit they earned in 2004. That was the first full year of the cuts that pension trustees imposed in mid-2003. Every Teamster should look at that report to see what you accrued in 2004. Then look back at your 2002 statement, before the cuts. The difference is what you lost in just one year....
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