Contract Preparations Begin at UPS Freight

Runaway subcontracting, and how to stop it, was a hot button issue at the first meeting of the Teamsters’ UPS Freight National Negotiating Committee.  

Photo: US Dept. of Agriculture, Flickr, Creative Commons

The UPS Freight National Negotiating Committee met on Monday review contract proposals submitted by members and local unions.

The Committee discussed the Article 44 language that the company has used and abused to subcontract Teamster work.

Members are pushing for an end to subcontracting, a tougher grievance procedure, wage and benefit improvements, and stronger contract protections.

Over 70 percent of UPS Freight Teamsters voted for Fred Zuckerman, Tony Jones and the Teamsters United slate. But Hoffa named Kris Taylor, an Assistant Business Agent from Dallas Local 745, to lead the negotiations.

The next meeting of the UPS Freight National Negotiating Committee will be held on October 17, along with a two-person meeting of local officers from every UPS Freight local.

Members need to be ready to stand united for a good contract—and to hold our contract negotiators accountable.

Sign up for the Teamsters United UPS Freight Contract Network.

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