Save Our Pensions Campaign

TDU is uniting Teamsters and retirees together to save our pensions. We won a major victory when the Treasury Department rejected the Central States pension cut plan. But more than 400,000 Teamsters and retirees still face the threat of cuts. We're fighting back. We worked our whole lives for our pensions—now we are working together to defend them. 

TDU has joined forces with AARP, other unions, the Pension Rights Center and labor allies to support pension reform legislation that will strengthen our pension funds and save our benefits.



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Central PA Pension Fight Continues

April 30, 2002: The latest wrinkle in the fight to salvage decent pensions from the troubled Central Pennsylvania Pension Fund is a proposed merger with the New York State Fund. This is a position being pushed by the International union and six of the eight local unions involved. The proposal is being resisted by Reading Local 429, the pension fund’s controlling local and Allentown Local 773. On July 17 the actuaries from the New York...
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