Hoffa Watch

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Dump Hoffa!

July 21, 2009: Fed up with contract givebacks, benefit cuts & empty promises, members are launching a movement to elect new leaders and set a new course for our Teamsters Union. As we go to press, 50,000 freight Teamsters at Yellow-Roadway Corp. (YRC) are voting on whether to accept the worst concessions in Teamster history. If accepted, the givebacks will bring wage and benefit concessions at YRC to $11 an hour—and freeze members’ pensions through...

What Will It Take to Dump Hoffa?

The election to Dump Hoffa begins sooner than you think. What will it take to win—and how can we get started now? Hoffa’s support has never been lower among working Teamsters: He negotiated the worst concessions to UPS in decades, even though the company was making more than $4 billion in annual profits. Under his watch, our union has been reduced to a shadow of its former self in freight, carhaul, and other industries. Employers...

Boston Goon Squad Update

June 18, 2009: The assault on Local 82 members and their seniority rights continues. "Hoffa appointee John Perry and Local 82 enforcer Joseph "JoJo" Burhoe. John Perry is at it again. The principal officer of Boston Local 82 and the director of the International Union’s Trade Show Division has forced through another contract that guts the seniority rights of Boston trade show Teamsters, this time at Champion Exposition Services. Critics charge that Perry is violating...

Hoffa Appointee's Boston Goon Squad

May 22, 2009: Hoffa’s Trade Show Director John Perry is in court on charges of assaulting a Teamster member for filing a grievance. JoJo Burhoe and International VP John MurphyWill Hoffa take a stand against violence and for seniority rights in the Trade Show industry? As an IBT Division Director, John Perry is supposed to coordinate our International Union’s efforts to defend Teamster members’ rights in the Trade Show industry. Instead, Perry faces criminal charges...

Is Hoffa Raising Road Drivers' Dues?

April 24, 2009: Is the Hoffa administration quietly raising the dues of road drivers without a vote? It looks that way. “We got a pay cut, now our dues go up?! Maybe it’s time Hoffa and his appointees took a cut,” Cliff Roberts, YRC road driver in Local 407, told us. Road drivers in Cleveland Local 407 have just been hit with a big dues hike this month, just three months after hundreds of them...
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